Concillia is one of the trainers who walked with the Mandebvu group throughout their two-week training at FfF. In that time, she came to feel a real love as God tucked them into her gentle heart in preparation for monitoring their steps over the next year. Last week Conci paid her first visit to the community to see how they were getting on. The objective of these visits is to give encouragement, both spiritually and otherwise, and offer guidance and advice with regards to farming methods, whilst measuring progress.
Twenty six trainees had completed the preparation of their plots for planting. Some had done so with passionate diligence, others obligingly, but with less fervency, and some in a quick last minute effort when they discovered Conci was coming to visit. Four had not done anything, sadly one of whom has already reverted back to his old lifestyle.
Experience has taught that this will always be the case – there will be those who work with great gusto, and whom we will have the pleasure of walking alongside, finally delighting in the fulfillment of their joy as they harvest … but sadly there will also be those who lose interest, and even drop away. Jesus knew this all too well when He told the parable of the sower. So our eyes remain focused on our mission – to share Jesus, and through Him to share knowledge and vision, teaching faithfulness, unselfishness and stewardship. To walk with, to love, encourage and guide – but not to take responsibility for that which belongs to them. The responsibility of applying God’s farming methods and taking ownership is theirs, and theirs alone. These precious poor, whom He longs to set free.
It is easy to toss money and food at poor people, but that will never free them from the misery of impoverishment. Yet God has provided a simple and do-able method of farming, which when applied, can break the bondage of poverty, and restore dignity. It can take away the degradation of one man having to beg from another in order to eat, or feed his children. But it requires commitment, hard work and responsibility … all of which come from heart change. We can never coerce or force. Jesus Himself will not do so. Sadly, not all will experience the liberty that comes with standing tall, without an extended, imploring hand. Instead, they will remain enslaved to the mercy of others, favouring the familiar well-trodden route of dependency. Or they will be lulled back to their former ways as life scorches, and the weeds choke out the tender newness of what they have learned. For those we can only pray.
Thankfully though, much of the seeds fell on good ground! One of these is the lady whose previous life was that of prostitution. It seems so far that she has proven to be a shining light in the story – and people within the community are talking about the very evident turn around in her life. From someone who previously would never have been seen anywhere near a field, she has produced a perfectly prepared plot, despite having to work in the relentless, baking November heat. Not only that, but this lady, this precious new creation in Christ, has toiled with joy!
There are other encouraging stories. Several husbands who no longer beat their wives, but instead are working alongside them in the field, sharing their newfound knowledge. Others with whole families stepping in to help prepare fields after hearing the stories and news of what happened at Clouds End.
Maize inputs will be given – according to what has happened on the ground. Those with prepared fields will soon receive their inputs so that they can plant on time, and Conci will visit regularly to advise and encourage good standards as the crops grow. Time will reveal a lot as this journey of the Mandebvu community continues. In the meantime, they need prayer in the midst of daily challenges. Jealousy is rampant in Africa and the enemy uses it well. Those who are determined to remain faithful to their newfound faith and knowledge are often subject to scorn and mockery. They are sometimes seen by others as being ‘favoured’, and despite their willingness to teach and share this newfound knowledge, it is not always easy. Their greatest need right now is to be bathed in prayer, along with Conci as she continues to walk with them.
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